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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Whatever happened to Peas, Luv and Understandishing?

I read and participate in a lot of forums related to computer games (Oh my god, I am part of a "community"!), and I have learned quite a bit about the games I play. I also have learned quite a bit about the people that post on computer game forums.

Aside from having to parse:

"amg u luzr go back 2 carebear server and QQ their or i am going 2 wtfpwn u!!!!!ONE!11!elevensies!!11"

I find certain things particularly annoying.

Grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Now, I am not perfect, but it can't be said that I don't make an effort.

Here is an example from a poster over on the Asheron's Call Official Forums:

yes i know i have a chest.. its full

yes i have mules as well... 11 total to support 5 characters

one of those 5 characters only has 3 weapons (still low only need a few)

the problem lays within the ammount of stuff i need muled really

i have a mule just for imbue salvage which will get used fairly quickly when i get around to leveling my noob as i will need more weapons and such

another mule just for armor tink things (steel,cov salvage,imbues ect...) which will aslo go fairly quick once that noob gets a major suit... oh yeah i have 2 mules just for majors as well i have to they simply arent strong enough to hold it all and no i dont need all of them but who knows what ill need in the future ? rather have it now than need it later

Now, content aside, this poster (name witheld to prevent ridicule) may be trying to have a "style" by using no punctuation. Maybe his shift key(s) do not work . . . but oh, wait . . . he CAN use punctuation. There are some periods... and parentheses and even a question mark! Pretty fucking lazy and pretty fucking hard to read with no capital letters too. Thankfully, most forums make it easy to ignore or block messages from people and I make liberal use of that feature.

The sad part is the poster in the example has some decent ideas sometimes. I just cannot bear to read it.

And what about people that cannot (or will not) use paragraphs? Bah. That is another story for another time.

Anyhoo, welcome to "Teh Innerweb"! Read at your own risk!

Comments on "Whatever happened to Peas, Luv and Understandishing?"


Blogger Jatin Sethi said ... (7:52 AM) : 

happy anniversary di and jiju msg


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