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Monday, July 11, 2005

Barenaked Joyride

I've been listening to an awful lot of Barenaked Ladies recently, and I am really surprised that I didn't get into them a long time ago.

Some particular favorites:

Enid - Really fun song, great (and not too hard) to play on the guitar.

What A Good Boy - Umm, just listen to it, trust me.

Break Your Heart - A pretty sad song, but ultimately redeeming, and nothing beats Steves scream near the end :)

Conventioneers - Another good one to play on guitar, with another sad theme.

Testing 1, 2, 3 - Can anybody hear me? Great lyrics, fun song.

As a bonus for today, check out Banquet by Bloc Party.
You can download it for free from Amazon HERE.


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