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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Google Suggest

I am a huge fan of Firefox and this sweet extension called Customizegoogle. The best feature of this extension is that it will suggest things as you type into the search box on Google.

All of a sudden, this feature stopped working for me and I am going out of my mind trying to fix it. Google did introduce its own Google Suggest thing, but that doesn't work for me either! Please give it a try and let me know that it is not just me.

Firefox just released an update, so I am thinking that the new version might have borked this sweet, sweet feature of customizegoogle.

EDIT: All is right with the world - Google Suggest seems to be working again. We now continue with our regularly scheduled program.

Comments on "Google Suggest"


Blogger Geo said ... (12:26 PM) : 

Ah, very interesting TJ! I did not know this about you! I will have to check out these books of yours. ;)


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