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Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Writer's Almanac

My favorite time of day: Weekdays at 2:55pm, just before Fresh Air with Terry Gross, when Garrison Keillor (of Prairie Home Companion, and Lake Wobegone fame) does a little 5 minute show called The Writer's Almanac.

He usually mentions famous (or infamous) people who were born on that day, goes a bit more in depth about one or two of them, then he ends each show with a poem.

Today, he floored me with a reading of a poem called "Apology to the Wasps" by Sara Littlecrow-Russell:

Apology to the Wasps

Terrorized by your stings,
I took out biochemical weapons
And blasted your nest
Like it was a third world country.

I was the United States Air Force.
It felt good to be so powerful
Until I saw your family
Trailing shredded wings,
Staggering on disintegrating legs,
Trying desperately to save the eggs
You had stung to protect.

Yeah, those are eleven pretty powerful lines, eh?

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